Medical Massage Therapy
When pain and inflammation are major reasons for a person’s seeking physical therapy, we often incorporate medical massage therapy as part of the treatment regimen. After your initial evaluation to understand the exact nature and causes of your pain and injury, a treatment plan will be created, which can include massage therapy.

So What is Medical Massage Therapy?
Simple- it is when a practitioner applies massage techniques in an effort to decrease the problem of pain and inflammation according to a specific goal as established by your physical therapist or chiropractor. It is a part of the overall plan of care to calm the muscles down and decrease the level of spasms and dysfunction. These techniques include myofascial release, trigger point therapy, acupressure, strain/counter strain, deep tissue, and neuromuscular therapy.
CNMR incorporates these different methods to decrease pain and spasm in the muscle. Because our physical therapists and chiropractors have intense training in muscle physiology, anatomy, and neurology, we are better able to pinpoint the exact cause of your pain and find an appropriate method to grant pain relief and inhibit the spasm response. Each patient is treated according to how their symptoms present. In some cases, deep work is required to release muscles that may spasm several layers down. In others, extremely light work may be indicated to decrease central nervous system activity first, and then a follow-up of moderate work may be needed. Combined with therapeutic stretches and light to moderate exercise retraining, hands-on bodywork is an effective way to promote better musculoskeletal function while decreasing pain.
When is It Indicated?
Medical massage therapy is indicated for those with chronic pain, Fibromyalgia, arthritis, TMJ dysfunction, migraines, motor vehicle injuries, acute strains, and neck and back pain- to name a few. Your physical therapist or chiropractor will help determine when this is an effective choice for managing your case and how massage therapy will be implemented into your overall plan of care.
Call CNMR at (202) 257-1363 to discuss how medical massage therapy can be helpful to you! We are located on the blue and orange lines at Farragut West Metro Station in Washington, DC.

The Center for Neuromuscular and Massage Rehabilitation is a top provider of physical therapy, chiropractic, and massage therapy services in downtown Washington, DC.
We are prepared to handle a wide variety of clients from athletes with serious injuries to chronic pain and Fibromyalgia to those with longstanding alignment issues. At CNMR, we treat people one-on-one and offer a sincere, personal, and directed approach to healing your body.